The second half of this semester got kind of difficult for me because I've had a bit of a depression spell so I apologise if this doesn't meet the requirements for the assignment but it's all I could manage at the moment. I also wanted to use this assignment to explore potential options for an installation idea I've had: a kind of Intonarumori that you draw on to produce sounds (instead of crank). It came to me when I was studying 20th Century harmony for another class and I thought it might be a cute physical manifestation for the drawing sound concert we're doing for Daphne Oram.
So I originally was thinking to use Concatenative synthesis but I ended up with ANOTHER idea from that haha (I don't want to dominate the concert though but..). I am still researching and exploring so nothing is set in my mind yet, the project I did is just an exploration of a potential. The most challenging thing was probably motivation myself to actually start it :'( But followed by a close second was finding the sounds to use. The actual main circuit part was really easy because it's just an open circuit in parallel with minimal components but the sound making parts were kind of smaller circuits that are less predictable, it was a lot of trial and error. Overall though I am okay with how it turned out, especially since it was a first try.