Reasons, Reflections & (maybe) Tidbits
3 Stereo Tracks vs A Spatial Set: I decided to make 4 different tracks (3 stereo and 1 mono for the sub) rather than making just 1 track and mixing it for a 7.1. The reason for this was that I felt it would be more organised and simpler to make (kind of) different tracks. This was so I could make a 3D development, so to make the track develop as you walked through the space. I think it was very effective, I colour coded the speaker sections and it made my work really easy and simple. I haven't had a chance to test it in the space and I don't think it's the right venue to be doing it in. So it might completely flop, who knows. I mean I hope it doesn't but it might! That was a mistake I made~
Influences other than Eliane Radigue: I got really into Sigur Ros when I was a teenager and I think they still influence me subconsciously. I also think doing eneksis (even inconsistently.. ops) made me really love choral music so I think that's possibly a thing there as well. Hm I can't think of anyone else really to be honest..
Program: I made a creation story as a program note because I wanted to help create this immersive experience. That's also the reason why I want to use fairy lights as well, so I can create this distance from reality, as much as possible. I am still wondering if I should display my sketches or not, I feel it would ass to the experience to have a visual aid.
Scores: I haven't used or made any traditional, notated scores for a couple of reasons. Firstly, in terms of the medium - it is based more in noise and computer effects so that is really hard (and I can't think of any way to actually) do. Also I think it's more common to use spectrograms to show these sorts of things in electronic music which is what I'm using as a guide for my practice at the moment.. Secondly though, since I am working in a very visual way, my creative process is based a lot in what feelings I get and what I can create in that moment of the experience (usually of looking at a piece of the world that I've just drawn, or adding an idea about that place from my mind). And so I think adding scores of the literal 1 thing in the music that I potentially could (the voice parts) for the sake of tradition would honestly feel random and wrong for me.
The only thing you've done are these random rock towers: What you think you can build a whole world in a year? No way. I am going slowly but thoroughly so just calm down.
The actual exported tracks: I have 6 speakers and a sub. I am just going to export the stereo tracks for each speaker set then duplicate them and hard pan left and right. I think it'll make the thing run more smoothly on the night. I'll have to make sure the right tracks are set for the right speakers though, might have to speak to Stuart to figure that out. But this is a trick I actually learnt from Dan (he's helped me mix my drawing sound piece this semester - it's not cheating, it's a learning process).
Successes & Failures: I think I have a lot to learn about mixing still. I've tried my best but I couldn't push myself to do Lee's classes (and even if I did I think it would take me longer to learn anyway..) So I do feel that might be a potential downfall in my project. Elise has been super helpful with that though, especially since she uses Ableton as well. She did these cool sessions where we just did little ableton tutorials, I'm getting way faster now that I know a bunch of short cuts and memorised methods to mix things to an okay standard. Also I still suck at rhythm so I guess it's a good thing my music currently doesn't have any beat. I hope it will be successful in being an immersive experience for people! I think I've done well to express my conceptual ideas and do it in a creative way which I think is the most important thing for me. The thing I'm most nervous about is if the timbral developments through the different tracks will be enough/be evident (enough). I haven't been able to test it in the space so that's probably what I'm most nervous about. Hopefully it will work, I've done as much as I can with how overwhelmed I've been feeling since the semester ended.